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Week Five

The focus of this week has been finishing designing the statues - Nephthys, Neith, Isis and Selket. I was designing several versions of each goddess in their different forms, however I had a tutorial with Andy to how him what I'd done so far and he suggested that I stuck with the designs of each goddess in human form with wings. The reason behind this was because the goddesses were most recognisable as humans than as animals. So instead of wasting my time continuing to finish the animal statue designs I decided I'd follow Andy's advise and use the winged goddesses. We also discussed the possibilty of using a Barbie doll/similar plastic doll to use as a bas for sculpting the goddesses to speed up the making process; and to also only decorate 2 or 3 out of the 4 sides of the canopic shrine as not all the sides would be seen during the shooting of the film.

I was having difficulty imagining the size and scale of the entire canopic shrine so I mapped out the canopy and the shrine using masking tape on the floor. I then also measured the height using a tape measure to understand how tall it would be. Once I had done this I then calculated how big it would be if it were 1/2 the size and if it were 2/3 of the size. My workings out for the size of each part of the canopic shrine are below. **********

After using the tape measure again to visualise the size using the different scales I decided that it would be best to create it 2/3 of the size as it still needed to be big enough to look impressive - as not only do I need to challenge myself in this project, but it also needs to look like it was made for a king - and be big enough to easily engrave the drawings and inscriptions, without them becoming too small and unrecognisable.

Now I had the scale I realised I wouldn't be able to use a Barbie doll as the base for the goddess sculpts due to them being too small; so I started from scratch, using a thin piece of dowel as the base. This wasn't the best idea, but I didn't have another other kind of tube/

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