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Health & Safety

In this section I will be discussing the appropriate ways relevant to my project, that I used to stay safe when I was creating it.

I wore my overalls for a lot of the project to protect my skin and clothing.


The most essential times I found to wear them were when I was using expandable foam, anytime I was handling the celotex (cutting, carving and sanding it), body filler (applying and sanding), sanding wood and painting of all kinds (hand painting and spraying).

I wore safety glasses to protect my eyes from anything harmful hitting into or getting inside them.


I fount it most essential to wear these when using the Band Saw, the Hand Belt Sander, the Vertical Belt Sander, the Morso Cutter, hand sanding celotex and applying any chemicals (expandable foam, body filler, Gorilla Glue and spray painting)

I wore vinyl gloves to stop any harmful substances getting on or into my skin.


The most important times to wear these were whenever handling the celotex (cutting, carving and sanding), using expanable foam, body filler, Gorilla Glue and spray paint.

I wore a chemical mask to protect my lungs by avoiding breathing in harmful substances.


It was essential I wore this when using expandable foam, body filler and spray paint.

To make my mask more effective I also worked in a well ventilated area - the resin room, workshop and the spray room - which had an extraction system with fume arms that could be adjusted to get them as close to my work as possible. Sometimes it was enough to just open a window and a door to the corridor to allow frsh air to flow through - for example, when using the expandable foam.


I used these areas and the fume arms most when applying body filler and spray paint.

I wore a dust mask to protect my lungs by avoiding to inhale any small particles.


It was really important for for to wear a dust mask when sanding.

To make my dust mask work most effectively I used a downdraft table to extract as many small particles coming off my work as possible.


I used this when handling the celotex (carving and sanding) and sanding materials (wood and body filler).

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